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Acknowledging NIH Support

We need your help in raising awareness of NCCIH’s role in supporting research advances made by our grantees. By taking the actions described below, you will also be responding to a congressional directive that grantees “acknowledge NIH’s funding contribution when they publicize their research findings.”

  1. Acknowledge NIH/NCCIH’s full or partial support of your research in journal articles, oral or poster presentations, news releases, interviews with reporters, and other communications.

  2. For citations in scientific publications, include the grant number and the name of the source of support whenever possible. Also, include a disclaimer when appropriate.

    Example: “This publication was made possible by grant number ______ from the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) at the National Institutes of Health. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of NCCIH.”

    For additional details on citation requirements, see the Rights in Data (Publications and Copyrighting) section of the NIH Grants Policy Statement. You may use this PowerPoint slide in your presentations to cite NCCIH support of your research [252KB PPT].

  3. Alert the NCCIH program director who manages your grant if you have a paper accepted for publication, especially if your institution is planning a news release or if you have other reasons to expect media coverage of your work. The program director’s name, telephone number, and email address are on your Notice of Grant Award. If you do not know your program director’s name, look on the NCCIH website.

  4. If reporters ask you to suggest an outside expert to comment on your research, please refer them to the NCCIH Press Office, which will determine whether an NCCIH staff person or another NIH official would be able to respond.

  5. Ask your institution’s public information director to contact the NCCIH Press Office so that we can coordinate efforts to publicize important research progress. We honor embargoes on journal articles.