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Pain Seminar Series

The NIH Pain Seminar Series, sponsored by the NIH PAIN Special Interest Group, features presentations by national leaders in the field of pain. Seminars highlight research conducted on model organisms at the behavioral, molecular, cellular and systems levels, as well as brain imaging work in patients and healthy volunteers. Our goal is to provide a forum where NIH researchers from different backgrounds can openly exchange their ideas and perspectives as well as discuss the latest technical approaches for the study of pain.

Fellows Pain SIG Seminar Meeting with the speakers: As part of the Pain Seminar Series, NIH trainees are invited to meet with speakers following the seminar. This is a great opportunity for trainees to network and learn more about the speaker and their affiliated institution. All trainees are welcome to attend and actively participate. Only NIH staff are allowed to participate. For more information about registration or to ask questions, please contact Jinhee Wang (

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CANCELED: Neuroplasticity in the Amygdala in the Transition From Acute to Chronic Pain

Presented by: Volker Neugebauer, M.D., Ph.D.

Date: 03/13/2025

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Circuit Mechanisms of Neuropathic Pain Development

Presented by: Guang Yang, Ph.D.

Date: 04/10/2025

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Top-Down Control of the Descending Pain Modulatory Pathway Underlies Placebo-Like Analgesia in Mice

Presented by: Matthew Banghart, Ph.D.

Date: 05/15/2025

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Subscribe to the Pain SIG Email

If you would like to receive email announcements about the NIH Pain Seminar Series, please email Jinhee Wang.


For additional information about the PAIN Seminar series ot the PAIN SIG, please contact any of the organizers: Dr. Yarimar Carrasquillo, Dr. Lauren Atlas, or Dr. Alex Chesler.